Friday, August 26, 2011

ABCD for Change

A for Anna

With Anna movement the world has witnessed what is called corruption in Indian politics. Whatever the outcome might be the agitation is taking its twists and turns. A person in my office asked me if I am supporting the movement so that he can share a cap and some pamphlets which I should distribute and participate in a rally. I asked him what was the movement all about. He answered with a  question "Are you supporting or not?" if not forget it.

I read news in many forms and mediums and the subject is not new either. What I found is that the aggression with which some kids are supporting the movement is for a sparkling glory in the moment.

I never voted from the time I had the right to vote hence I never had the right to question the politicians. The only time I utilized my Vote was in the last general elections and I chose to Vote for Lok Satta which was a democratic movement led by Jai Prakash Narayan.

The cause of Anna is noble but the methods are not. If someone is serious about change then why not leave everything and join the political system and change it? We cannot do that as we are busy with our passion. But we lend a support to who ever challenges the Government. No one wants to be accountable but everyone wants to comment and it is a natural trait.

This reminds me of the story of Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody.

B for Bharath

As of today in Indian currency Paise has no apparent value but we continue to have it in our currency.

We should drop the Paise and bring a new currency where 100 Rupees is equated for 1 Bharath.The currency change will bring immediate term results in unearthing black money and on a longer term we will withness growth.

With Bharath emerging as the new currency the ATM's would be able to dispense more cash. We can turn our  nation green by reducing the amount of paper we use to print the low value Rupee's

With 2 zeros reduced in denomination the scams will no longer look as big as they are today.

With 2 zeros less we will find the value in 1 unit of Indian currency again.

C for Corruption

Corruption can be curtailed by bringing incentives into the bureaucracy for better performance. As of today the political system is expected to be a service.

We cannot have good politicians who can drive growth to our nation being service men. The major leaders who are capable of change are corporate leaders who have changed the landscape of the nation with their business exploitation methods.

Corruption is allowing the rich to flourish, if we stop the corruption only the powerful politicians will flourish and the state of the nation will be as it is.

D for Development

In the early days of corruption we used to witness low quality infrastructure. With corporate corruption emerging at least we have a better infrastructure. Thanks to Chandra Babu Naidu for showing the nation that development can be more profitable than corruption at "grass"root level like that of Lallu Prasad Yadav.

Every nation is corrupt in it's own way few abuse power, few abuse knowledge, few abuse money, few abuse reservation system. Anna movement is addressing largely money. What about the rest of the abuses. We are destined for some kind of corruption though we desire not to.

Rewarding bureaucracy for performance is a way to go forward.


  1. . "If someone is serious about change then why not leave everything and join the political system and change it?"....... I LIKE THIS STATEMENT A LOT..... ..

  2. "SELFISHNESS" ...a disease
    "Corruption" a symptom of it

    corruption refers to.....corrupted thought processes....that which leads to corrupted actions.....
